Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gym talk

Practice last week- head coach was gone so I ran a few practices with the captain of the team. In one of the practices I made them do a total of 50 jump squats threw out the practice. The next day 2 of the girls complained to shannon ( the main lady if sam is gone ) that they were injured. I Of course first laughed then explained to shannon that they are just sore and then tried to explain to them.

Took out to eat my favorite waiter and waitress. it was the only day in may they get off and they make 50$ a month ( crazy) was a good time the girl is crazy and I never know what she is going to say or do.

This really pissed me off, and there was nothing I could do about it-- so I am doing a killer workout in the gym. I get done with my 5th round of a circuit and I am huffing and puffing and in comes 4 guys all with lit cigarettes, they chat a tiny bit stare at me and weigh them selfs and then leave. Meanwhile I am looking back at them like I am going to shoot them or stab them. DON'T SMOKE IN A GYM
More in the gym- well I am use to the other workers in the hotel coming to look threw the window to stare at me wile I am working out- dosent phase me
-- love when other Cambodians are working out, they usually are in flip flops And flopping them loudly on a tred mill.
-- my neighbor, she is a good sport when she comes into the gym she always smiles and sometimes cheers or gives me the gesture with her lips that can mean good job ( they mainly use the gesture to point at something like sticking there lips together and pointing them in the direction kinda)