Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Famous posters/ jungle/ elephants

Phuket ( a well known wall poster is photographed here)

Very western or meant for any kind of tourist. They had most well know restaurants, and big name resorts slash hotels. Was fun to see James bond island. I'm getting sick of the Thailand transportation or tour or there system of getting you to buy stuff. We get picked up for our tour and of corse they make us sit on a dock for an hour and half trying to get us to buy stuff from there store on the dock. Every taxi asked you to go to there store that they receive gas from.

Chang Mia
Into the jungle : )
Went on a three day jungle trek.(yes mt dad dad did this he is still with me) Of course you get picked up and they bring you to a market for an hour to buy stuff. ( dumb) despite that it was so good. Went bamboo rafting. We stayed over night next to big water fall. We stayed in bamboo huts. It was freezing and hard but was fine for one night. Our guide said it was the first time he wore long sleeve in a long time. he also said he couldn't sleep along with the rest of us. It got down to about 35 and that is out of the normal so I had not much cloths. During the day it is about 90. My dad complained a tiny bit and said "thought you said it dosent get cold."The next night we stayed at one of the only Christian villages up in the mountain in the jungle. Thailand is 70 percent Buddhist so I was shocked, and then was able to ask all these questions to learn about the monks and silly questions like how to properly use the Asian toilet. (granny would be hard for you) ( I see why they stay thin they have to squat all the time) in the village they truly live off the land and we watched them get the husk off the rice and they always cook over a wood fire. We again stayed in a open bamboo hut. Day 3 we hiked down and went on elephants. They are massive!


  1. How cool! Your Dad must be amazed as you. LOVE the elephant picture. Looks like you are gonna fall over. LOL I know your Dad's time is getting shorter with you before he heads home, which I'm sure is sad. Keep those updates coming.

    Stay safe and love ya!!

    Aunt Cherri

  2. How fun! It would be so cool to ride an elephant--love the pics! I'm sure you & your dad have been having an amazing time no matter what they try to make you buy!!!! I'm so happy he got to go on part of this journey with you. How many people can say "I rode an elephant with my Dad"!! Thanks for all the updates & pics. I show them at work to anyone & everyone (including customers) that will listen to me!! I say "Yup--that's my niece"!!!! Some customers even come in and ask "Okay--where is she now"!! So cool! We are kinda living the adventure through your blog & facebook pics!!!
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Have fun--safe travels--smart choices!
    Love & prayers!
    Auntie Godmom Karen
