Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 2

This last week I went to 3 orphanages, and one public school, on top of my normal schedule. I went to co coach soccer and see what the kids and other organizations are all about. All ready I can see that every orphanage is different. The first one I went to was extremely nice and clearly had some money. The second one I went to wasn't as big and by looking at the kids you could tell they still looked like they needed extra love or more to eat. They also acted differently. Some were not so nice and needed attention. They got mad if I didn't pay attention to them or if they didn't have a ball. I don't no the stories of the kids there yet but my guess is it is a newer orphanage and the kids I would think haven't been there that long. The public school was crazy. There was 170 kids that showed up to play games and learn about life skills. It took 30 minutes to organize 4 lines. When I arrived at this school they all surrounded me. I was the monkey in the middle. They all spoke to me at once. Hello what is your name where are you from and then that was the end to there English. In-between each game there is an other volunteer who speaks to them about a life lesson. Such as how you should treat your family, what do you do if you get hurt walking home bla bla Or little things like look both ways when crossing street, don't talk to strangers things like that.
English class went well this week. One of the girls didn't do her home work errrrr. I will give them my first practice quiz on Monday. ( I hope it goes well- not just for them but for me also - I need to know they are learning something from me )
I definitely fee like a celebrity here. People starring and asking for photos. I had one guy probably take about 50 photos of me no joke. I said yes to one and then I kept on with my life and next thing I no he had friends and they wanted photos and then they did the pretend to take photos of something or each other but really were just taking photos of me.
I managed to get a flat tire 2x this week. I bought a new tire today it was a very nice walk. Ha I did this walk at 1:30 and I was only walking and my shirt was all wet needless to say it was 100 degrees but I was on a mission.
I heart rice haha rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice
This last week was really fun because the mighty girls have fully opened up to me. I no exactly who the jokesters are, the smart ones, and the ones that are serious and so on. One all ready said Jess ( you remember mighty girls forever. I said of course. She goes I remember Jess forever.)
The house mother for the mighty girls doesn't speak any English. She is always smirking at me and saying something in Khmer. She smirks because I don't like over half of her meals and she always try's to get me to eat them. I no how to say no spice no fish. So when i arrive for lunch from the office she goes aut Hal telling me right away no spice she is very sweet house mother.
This week I plan to re go to the orphanage that needed extra love and also go see some other organization/ soccer teams). After this week i then think I will choose one to co coach at with a mighty girl. This way I can kinda say I have my own team with a mighty girl and I can help coach the coach how to coach and coach the girls. Also by doing this the mighty girl (co coach) with have to discuss the team with me and practice ideas in English. Learning English for them will take them far in life so the more time I have doing something fun and secretively sneaking in English for them the better.

Data sheet --- slow process - don't want to talk about it

Again I want to say this you have so much opportunity in life you are privileged to have support ( family friends coaches teachers .......) to be the best you can be. Make the most of it we are very fortunate.


  1. Well my little "Monkey"--it sounds like you are leaving your mark--well done! I am so proud of you for the work you are doing over there--you are changing lives--how awesome that God has steered you to this journey. You have your Moms huge heart--spread the love--I can see her smiling down on you............
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Have fun--safe travels--smart choices!
    Love & prayers!
    Auntie Godmom Karen

  2. You are amazing and are so making a difference in these kids' lives. I'm sure they love could they not. :-) We do..... Can't tell you how proud I am of you for what you are doing. I'm sure they will leave a mark on your life as well. Take care and be safe always!

    Love ya -- Aunt Cherri
