Saturday, February 18, 2012

Everyday is what you make of it

On Valentines day the girl salt volunteers (see photo, notice how tiny the Cambodian is in the middle) threw a party for the mighty girls. We tried to explain that it is ok to have a boy friend and how you should act or treat one another. Valentine day for a typical Cambodian is when some may loose there virginity, maybe similar to a prom night in the USA. None the less it is a day when youth have sex for no reason because that's what they think. So we threw them a party to teach them other ways to celebrate it. It was a ton of fun wile at practice ( I was in charge the head coach was gone so I was the coach. Of course that made me happy because I wanted to make them work hard and change the pase of there practice. I don't think they like me so much as the coach Hahah but it was good for them) any way wile we were at practice the others decorated the house with hearts and crap. They all had there own little pink and red bags on the wall and when they got home they made notes and cards for each other. Then we played fun little games. After the games we watched shreck, this was my favorite part of the night because they all sat around watching the movie. They had no idea what shreck was. They watched as though they had never scene a movie before it was cool to see. They loved it.
One of the English teachers was gone this week so I took half of her students. On Thursday we had all the girls together for English class and we split them up into four teams and played English games. We played a game where I put up a letter they had 2 minutes to come up with as many words as they could. One point spelled right, half point if it was a word. Then we played scrabble, and hang man. I bought the winners candy.
Again this week I met a Cambodian who thanked me- he said - thank you so much for helping to develop my county it means a lot to me, thank you so much.
At my house I have Cambodians who ask me, will you help me with my English.
On my day off I toured all of my city. ( Battambang) the day flew by I rented a tuk tuk ( see photo) driver for all day with 2 friends. It cost 18 dollars in total for him to bring us anywhere we wanted from 10am- ?? I got dropped of at 8pm! We went to all of the temples, caves, killing caves, markets and a village. We went to the main fish market were the smell was enough to not want to go in. I watched a dog pee on the fish hahahhahahahahah no joke how gross is that. I watched a guy climb a palm tree to collect the something ( no not coconuts) for wine that had bees stuck in it anyway so i dont think it looked edible. ( see photo) one of the caves at dusk has one billion bats that come flying out of it. It is something to see. It looks like a black cloud moving rapidly threw out the sky. On the way home I got educated on how they get crickets and bugs to sell at the market. It was dark on the way home and out of the city center they have floresent lights everywhere. Under the lights is water so the bugs fly up to the light and then get trapped for food the next day.
To end a great day touring the city I got food poisoning. Right when I got home I spent the rest of the night on the toilet. I am now putting the peaces together to find out from what. I also : ( had to skip out on the girls game this morning. I had to throw the dorthy card ( my grandmas name) and say well there just isn't a bathroom close to the field so I better not go.

This paragraph of my blog may be very confusing. I am going to tell you some of my thoughts, that go threw my head on a given day. Now remember these are thoughts. I understand this is a different culture yada yada--- I don't say these things.
1- what the heck do these people do all day.
2 - (riding my bike) is it really necessary for you to honk at me. Really I think you should try and pass me a little closer. Develop a system ahhhh so dumb, I wonder how many accidents happen boom there goes one right in front of me a guy on a motto ( moped) and the other on a peddle bike. Ride on your side of the road. How old are you. Ahh I need a mask. Wow that was a close one. Don't come into my lane to turn so dumb. Don't stare at me. Haha dog don't attack me please please don't attack me.
3- ( apparel) I don't even care I am showing of my shoulders today. I'm sexy and I no it. Ok fine I will try and respect your culture. My shorts aren't even short. Some of the girls when it is hot they wear turtle neck hat gloves pants.( see photo) - this is not a thought. I always ask them what the heck they are doing. That it dosent make sense. They don't want there skin to become darker. They try and be as white as they can.
4- ( food) o NO I will not eat that. Ick why do you eat that. The smells = barf ha
5- I don't care if we are in Cambodia it dosent mean everything needs to be late or so lade back or not getting stuff done, or just hanging out or disorganized or............
6- they have a machine for that, so old school, I don't even understand how this is working.


  1. Well now we can you Dorothy. Lol. Your comments are great and love the pics.....not so much the bats. Continue to inspire them and stay safe. No riding after dark!!! I'm ready for another Skype date.

    Love ya -- Aunt Cherri

  2. Love-love-love the Dorothy comment--too funny!!!! The pics are great--except for the bugs in the slime--I don't even want to know if you ate this-yuck! Your thought comments are you laugh or giggle or make faces instead of saying anything?!?!? Thanks for the update & the pics!
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Have fun--safe travels--smart choices!
    Love & prayers!
    Auntie Godmom Karen
