Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dingos, spiders, snakes, beaches, Rainforst

fraser isaland- Largest sand island in the world. We start of f where i wasnt very happy with the tour bc i get there and you have to have a 60 dollar cash bond just in case you crash the car. I was not aware we needed it and i all ready had taken the exact amount of money i was going to spend in australia so now i have to get screwed out of 10$ on exchange and then another 10 on exchange to new zealand dollars. I just thought i would vent to someone thanks for listning. ok any way...
WE go to drive off the fairy and one of the cars break... booo so we have to sit and wait for the next fairy 3 hours later and then go on with are tour but now looking at it all its funny but at time i was like this is the worse tour i have ever been on. Our none tour guid was kinda a grump also. the sights of fraser were great i saw the 7th deadly snake in the world. i have a pic dont worry, and yes it was in the wild not the zone. It was at are camp sight- if it bites you you have hour to live if you dont get to hospital.... on fraser island it takes a helicopter hour so i could of died. i walked threw a creek that is so clear you cant even tell in the pictires i am in water just looks like the sand. i got the chance to sleep in a nasty tent with no blnaket ha but guess what.... the next night i snuck in to an open bed .. im sneaky like that.
i would love to tell you more butt my internet is saying i have 2 min left so i am not even going to re read this hope it makes sense..
meeting great people on this trip i even got 2 gals to work out with me today on the beach :)

coming .. dive at great barruer reef whoop whooop and i stay on a boat with a slid into the ocean..


  1. Thanks for the updates! Love ya and missed you on Thanksgiving. Glad you are having a great you wouldn't. :-) Stay safe and have fun!

    Love ya bunches -- Aunt Cherri

  2. Looking forward to seeing your pics when you get back--sounds beautiful except for the snakes!
    Happy Thanksgiving--sure missed you but we thought of you and talked about you--teehee!!
    Sleeping in a nasty tent-hmmmm-sounds like you need the fish house!!!
    So glad you are making wonderful memories!
    P.S. Jason & Laura & your dad got your cookie sampler plate this year---they were pretty excited to actually get a cookie!!!!
    Miss you lots!
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Have fun--safe travels--smart choices!
    Love & prayers!
    Auntie Godmom Karen
