Monday, December 12, 2011

I did what I said I woudnt

 I was in a town where it has the most sun lite in the world. There are signs all over the place that state how much and they are very proud of it.( with there sun burnt nose and squinty eyes ; ). I woke in the morning to rain and zero sun shine!!!  I had a kaiaking trip planned to go see abel Tasman national park- it was canceled : (  I was sad for many reasons .. 1 I was going to be kaiaking for like 5 hours and going to get a work out out of it. 2 I had fun people going a long. 3 - it is suppose to be absolutely amazing and a must see. The rain was not stopping me. I went and got my money back from the kaiaking place and asked if I could run there. They laughed at me and said no it's like 18 kilometers away. So then She goes and talks about the boat taxi that decided to still run for the crazies. It was a rip off so I said um no thanks. Then she saw how sad I was and goes you no it would be really easy to hitch hike to there! I think about it and say thanks! Went to put on my running gear to work out since not doing anything I wasn't going to sit in the hostel and complain about the weather. So I went out the door still thinking about putting out my thumb- and I ran passed a 75 year old couple getting into there car. I stopped back peddled and said say are  you two going up to the national park? They say sorry no. So now I am back to my run anticipating and getting an adventure high as I round the up hill/mountain corners that look over rainforest and beaches. Next thing I know the 75 year olds come pulling on up to me and they say we deiced to bring you to the park. I so happy!!!!!!! I jump in there car thinking now I have to hitch hike back but o well you only live once. As I get chatting with them they go you were the girl that joined the 2 on the table for that song last night right? Ha haha I say yep I was up there doing my thing. They go- you were great and looked like you no how to have fun so that's why we picked you up! Ha : ) 
The park was one or those things I honestly can't describe again you have to do it to understand. It's like a drug. Haha I scared the crap out of these 2 girls. I came running up and said hello and they jumped so high and screamed. Sadly I didn't have my camera bc of the rain, I would love to go back and see it when it is a nice day bc It was amazing in the rain. I could spend three days hiking it but I only had 5 hours so un fortunately  I had to turn around and thumb a car down. 


  1. Glad you're having the time of your life but--seriously--hitch-hiking? You are going to give me gray hairs in places I shouldn't even get gray hairs!!!!!!!!!!!! Would Chelsey have done that?
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Have fun--safe travels--smart choices!
    Love & prayers!
    Auntie Godmom Karen

  2. karen - at least it was a cute 70 year old couple...because you know if it were some hunky 20 year olds she may have done the same. and then we are in trouble : )

