Monday, December 12, 2011

Kiwi kiwi kiwi

On the kiwi experience you never know what kind of bus your going to get on. It could be boring, normal, alcoholics, couples, strange, all Germans, or my bus is called the naked bus. The boys for some reason think it is hilarious to get naked and sit on the bus , it is quite funny the first few times after that its well um naked boys sitting there hanging out. (dad I am sure you are loving this blog entry)

We had an abc ( anything but cloths) party that was way fun and I had a great costume I went as nature women um eve um I don't know what to call it, but I was told by many that it was the best and I was the only girl that actually stood to the rules. Side note- tape hurts a lot and leaves marks and causes some purple and red skin)

As I travel threw out new Zealand I wish I had a... Photographer to follow me around bc I go on amazing hikes/ runs and when i get to the top or to a water fall or the river or a tunnel or rainforest with sweet green rocks leading up to the tip of the mountain, or a beach or a cliff or see dolphins at the top of cliff that looks over the sea or seals or  ..... It goes on and on but I always say I wish I had a camera right now or someone to take the photo of me trying to do something silly like climb the rocks to get the perfect picture.

Franz Josef glacier
Heli hike
!!! :) :) :) : )
Took a 20 min helicopter up and around the moutains and then stopped half way up the glacier and then did a 2 hour hike on it! Spectacular! Wow! Holy camoly! I had an awsome guide who encouraged us to be active so I army crawled threw ice holes and caves and went threw cracks and managed to get very muddy bc of sluge under one of the ice things that I went into ... I was ony one who did this! Managed to  get my boots completely soaked and loved every second of it!
I am thinking in my head right now and I decied I am one of those people were the tour guide either absoutly loves me or hates me- and this guide loved me. The hate bc- I sometimes adventure were i shouldn't or I'm not very good at reading signs that have a big x Threw them i honestly dont see them then i do what the x said not to do and get out and they say really did you not see this um...??? No. Love bc don't need to go there!  I  tried to encourage the other 6 to crawl threw spaces or do things they will never get the chance to do again!

As I go farther south the mountain tops become covered in snow. I have a new addiction/hobby and it is hiking up to the top of mountains. I am addicted I sit on the bus and see a reasonable mountain that is possible for me get to the top of and all I can think of is going to the top. I have currently done 3 now and have 3 to go before I leave new Zealand. I hope to do a real one in a few days were I will have to do it in two days so I will tent 1/2 way up it. : )  I did a tiny one today where I ran it and its like time freezes when I do it. I don't no how long it takes me I don't no how long i sit at the top in that feeling were I can't describe I just smile and look and look and get dizzy bc I am doing circles trying to take it all in, and I have no idea how long it takes me to get down, and I don't have a care in the world how long any of it takes me. It's strange usually I say o I went for a run for 30 min or a distance or I did this kind of circuit yada yada this is completely different!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Those mountains are really calling your name! Careful with the tour guides--you're gonna get yourself in trouble and I don't have a passport to come bail you out!!! Careful-careful-careful but have fun-fun-fun!
    Remember to listen to your inner "Chelsey"!!
    Have fun--safe travels--smart choices!
    Love & prayers!
    Auntie Godmom Karen
